Uvjeti korištenja
Terms of Use
More about how your data is collected and for what purposes it is used can be found in the Privacy Policy. We encourage you to read the Privacy Policy in detail, where you can also disable cookies.
Your Obligations to Nuqleus:
Please ensure that you:
- Use your real name and surname when registering
- Enter accurate information about yourself
By registering with Nuqleus, you agree not to:
- Use our services to engage in any illegal, misleading, discriminatory, or fraudulent activities or anything that infringes on the rights of others.
- Upload viruses or malicious code, or do anything that could disable, overburden, or impair the proper functioning or appearance of the Nuqleus website.
- Access or collect data from the Nuqleus website using automated means (without prior permission) or attempt to access data you do not have permission to access.
Your permisions
- Permission to use your data in the selection process for participation in the Nuqleus program.
- Permission to use your name, photo, and information about your profession and experience in promotional activities related to the program, in the case of selection.
- Permission for the data provided in the application process to be used for statistical analysis in anonymized form.
- Permission to use your email address to send you notifications. Your email is stored in the Nuqleus Mailchimp.com service, which we use to send newsletters. We will retain your email until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. You can withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal will not affect the legality of the processing prior to its withdrawal. Your other rights include the right to access, delete, correct, object, transfer, and restrict processing. You can unsubscribe from receiving our newsletters at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in each edition of the newsletter. By withdrawing your consent, you will no longer receive our newsletters, but you can still use our website and other services. Contact for withdrawal of consent and newsletter unsubscription: info@nuqleus.hr
Dodatne odredbe
Provided we have used reasonable skill and care, we do not accept responsibility for:
- Losses not caused by our breach of these Terms or other actions.
- Losses that neither you nor we could reasonably foresee at the time these Terms take effect.
We aim to provide clear rules to minimize or avoid disputes with you. If a dispute does arise, it’s useful to know in advance where it can be resolved and which laws apply.
If you are a consumer residing in a member state of the European Union, the laws of that member state will apply to any claim, basis for legal action, or dispute between you and us arising from or relating to these Terms or the Nuqleus program’s services. You may bring your claim before any competent court in that member state. In all other cases, you agree that the claim should be resolved by a competent court in the Republic of Croatia and that Croatian law will apply to these Terms and any claim, regardless of conflict-of-law provisions.